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Hi Rob,

Your experience sounds familiar to mine, but I decided that the side-effects for me were too severe and I stopped taking it after 3 days. The option of reducing my dose was suggested by the practitioner I was seeing but I decided I’d prefer to try alternatives before considering any further medication. It’s obviously a great solution for a lot of people though and I’m glad you’ve found the right dosage that has helped you. There’s an absolutely superb reddit channel on Zoloft/sertraline, and I thoroughly recommend anyone dealing with anxiety and/or depression and are considering taking sertraline to take a look, as it’s just full of honest experiences both good and bad. They’re really friendly bunch and it was a great source of reassurance when I was at my worst points during the side-effects. It also has a lot of success stories like yours Rob, and encouragement for people who are having a hard time starting out with their treatment.

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