Book a call with an Anxiety UK advisor

Book a call with an Anxiety UK advisor 


Charity of the year

Choose Anxiety UK as your charity

You probably know someone who has been personally affected by anxiety. It might be a colleague who struggles with panic attacks, a family member who has a phobia, or perhaps you are struggling with anxiety. Alternatively, your organisation could be receiving an increasing number of enquiries from staff/members who are experiencing challenges with anxiety and stress.

If your company, sports club, college, school or even your family and friends are looking for a charity to support this year, we’d love you to choose Anxiety UK. Your help will go a long way to help us support the thousands of people that contact us every year needing help with anxiety.

Talk to us about making us your charity of the year by completing our expression of interest form below:

Make a difference!

  • £5,000 enables us to award a grant to support research on anxiety through our ‘Katharine & Harold Fisher Anxiety Research Fund’.
  • £10,000 funds the production of a tailored guide on anxiety, stress or anxiety-based depression for 2,500 people.
  • £20,000 funds our national helpline to answer over 7,500 calls from people experiencing high levels of distress needing support with anxiety.

Make Anxiety UK your Charity of the Year and you’ll receive regular updates on how your funds are being used to support those living with anxiety. We’ll also be able to offer you or your organisation coverage through, for example, articles in our quarterly magazine, ‘Anxious Times’ as well as promotion of the relationship via our social media channels.

For more information on how you can support Anxiety UK through a Charity of the Year initiative, please contact [email protected] or on 0161 226 7727.

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