Book a call with an Anxiety UK advisor

Book a call with an Anxiety UK advisor 


By Dennis Simsek


In the fast-paced and demanding world we live in, stress and anxiety have become almost inevitable companions in our daily lives. This is why I’d like to offer you some valuable tips on managing stress from a perspective that resonates with those battling anxiety.


Embrace Uncertainty

The importance of accepting uncertainty as a part of life is absolutely crucial and will go a long way towards managing your stress levels. Instead of viewing the unknown as a source of anxiety, consider it an opportunity for growth. By reframing your mindset, you can build resilience and reduce the impact of daily stressors.


Mindful Breathing Practices

One of the biggest components to managing my own stress and anxiety came down to understanding the importance of ‘low and slow’ breathing. Focusing on diaphragmatic breathing along with deepening your inhale and exhale will contribute greatly to balancing out your parasympathetic and sympathetic systems. As your breathing patterns shift from unconscious and shallow to conscious and deep, you will begin tapping into the ability to perceive old threats in a safer manner in turn turning your stress triggers into safe experiences that you can calmly move through.


Identify Triggers

Understanding the root causes of stress and anxiety is crucial. Keeping a daily ‘mood journal’ to track emotional patterns to familiar and unfamiliar experiences in your life will reveal valuable information into the root causes of your immediate stress and anxiety responses. Once recognised, you can develop strategies to cope with specific stressors and work towards minimising their impact.


Healthy Lifestyle Choices

There is a strong connection between physical and mental well-being. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep all contribute to overall resilience to anxiety and managing daily stressors better. By prioritising these aspects, individuals can better cope with stress and manage anxiety more effectively.


Mindfulness and Meditation

Incorporating mindfulness practices and meditation into your routine can be transformative. These techniques encourage living in the present moment, reducing the overwhelming thoughts about the past or future that often contribute to anxiety. As you prioritise daily meditation practices you will be calming your nervous system and begin tapping into deeper mental clarity.


Reach Out for Support

You don’t have to face anxiety alone and it is safe to ask for help. Whether seeking professional help or confiding in friends and family, building a support system can provide valuable resources and perspectives to help manage stress and anxiety.


In conclusion, managing stress and anxiety involves a holistic approach that addresses both the mind and body. As we consciously shift our perceptions from threat to safety our bodies will begin catching up to these changes which will result in lessening symptom of stress and anxiety.


‘My name is Dennis Simsek. I am an author of 4 books on the topic of anxiety healing and have been able to help thousands worldwide through my popular podcasts on the topics of Generalised Anxiety along with Health Anxiety. As a CBT and NLP practitioner I feel I have become quite versatile in respect to my clients and look to continue on building close relationships with as many people who may benefit from my guidance.’ 

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